
Committee on Ministry (COM)

Serves as pastor and counselor to ministers of the presbytery; facilitates between congregations, ministers, and the presbytery; administrates triennial visits with sessions, pastors and educators.


Ruling Elder Jim Griffin – Email


Minister of Word and Sacrament Carol Pierson – Email 

  • Pulpit Supply List
    A listing of individuals available to preach when a pastor is on vacation, taking leave, or otherwise away from the pulpit on a given Sunday.  A password is required to open this document. To request a password send email to PMV.
  • On Calling a Pastor
    A resource for pastor nominating committees and mid councils, prepared by Church Leadership Connection and the Office of the General Assembly Church Leadership Connection.  A password is required to open this document. To request a password send email to PMV.
  • Minimum Terms of Call    – These are the minimum compensation for 2024 for Pastors, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Certified Christian Educators, Pulpit Supply
  • Minimum Terms of Call Report Form
  • Pastoral Transition Manual
    This Pastoral Transition Manual is intended to offer guidance for working through a critical time in the life of a congregation. It is intended to assist Committee on Ministry (COM) Liaisons who will work with sessions and Pastor Nominating Committees (PNCs), as well as those leaders in congregations.  A password is required to open this document. To request a password send email to PMV.

    These documents are intended only for the use of Committee on Ministry members.

    Committee on Preparation for Ministry

    Has oversight for all inquirers and candidates for ministry under care of the presbytery.


    Minister of Word and Sacrament Emily Haddox – Email

    Leadership Council

    Provides oversight and coordination of the work of the presbytery within the stated mission of the presbytery; envisions future directions for mission.


    Ruling Elder Michael Seewer – Email


    Ruling Elder Jandet Miller – Email

    Staff Support

    Provides support and guidance for the staff and officers of the presbytery; designs personnel policies.

    Co-Chair: Minister of Word and Sacrament Angie Schenck – Email

    Co-Chair: Ruling Elder Janice Kronour – Email

    Presbytery Trustees

    With Leadership Council, prepares and oversees the budget; acts as fiscal representative of the presbytery in signing legal documents.

    Chair: Minister of Word and Sacrament Kazy Blocher Hinds – Email

    Permanent Judicial Commission

    Assists and enables the Presbytery in the proper exercise of church discipline.


    Minister of Word and Sacrament Steve Ingram – Email


    Networks Support and Grants

    Promotes the stated mission of presbytery and the practice of good stewardship and generosity of all our gifts including not only financial resources, but also, the gifts of time, energy, and talent. Administers grant programs of Presbytery of the Miami Valley, such as the Northminster Mission Fund.

    Chair: Mimister of Word and Sacrament Ted Dennis – Email

    Peacemaking Fund Application
    This form is to be completed when applying for a Peacemaking Fund grant.


    Presents names of nominees for presbytery officers and committee members to be elected by the presbytery.


    Ruling Elder Marge Morgan – Email

    Representation and Diversity

    Monitors committees and offices of the presbytery to ensure fair representation and diversity.

    Co-Chair: Ruling Elder Jim Pelfry – Email