
PNS features Colombian Partnership

PNS features Colombian Partnership

Presbyterian News Service features the visit of PMV’s Colombian partners “This walk of almost 30 years made us understand that this Partnership is not transactional, but transformational.” This article was written by Larry Hollar (College Hill Community Presbyterian...

Colombian Partners visit our presbytery

Colombian Partners visit our presbytery

Colombian Church Leader Delegation Seeks Strengthened Relationship with the Presbytery of the Miami Valley  Four key leaders of the Presbytery of the North Coast in Colombia are spending September 7-15 in the Miami Valley, working with representatives from our own...

International Peacemaker to visit PMV

International Peacemaker to visit PMV

International Peacemaker to visit PMV Presbytery of the Miami Valley invites members of the community to four conversations with International Peacemaker Gaia Magdalena Łuczak: September 28 at Springfield Covenant Presbyterian ChurchSeptember 29 at Belle Center United...

PMV Welcomes Bruce Miller

PMV Welcomes Bruce Miller

Bruce Miller, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Urbana Join us in welcoming Bruce Miller to Presbytery of the Miami Valley. He began his ministry as pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, on August 1, 2023. Bruce Miller, pastor of First Presbyterian Church,...

Book of Order 2023-25

Book of Order 2023-25

The Book of Order 2023-25Available as a free download or book purchase The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) consists of two parts: Part I is The Book of Confessions,  and Part II is The Book of Order. This book is Part II of the Constitution of the...

Tour England in 2024

Tour England in 2024

Tour England in 2024An Invitation from Oxford Presbyterian Church When Christ’s disciples travel together, we integrate faith and reflection with first-hand experience.  Oxford Presbyterian Church, Oxford, invites those throughout the presbytery family to join them...

Meet our 2023-24 Moderator and Vice Moderator

Meet our 2023-24 Moderator and Vice Moderator

Meet our new Moderator and Vice Moderator At its May 9, 2023 meeting, Presbytery of the Miami Valley elected Ruling Elder Michael Seewer as Moderator and Ruling Elder Janet Miller as Vice Moderator for 2023-24. Ruling Elder Michael Seewer, ModeratorFirst Presbyterian...

Online Training for Church Treasurers: Part 2

Online Training for Church Treasurers: Part 2

REGISTER NOWOnline Training for Church Treasurers: Part 2Saturday, June 3, 9:00 AM – noon All church treasurers and others who work with church finances are invited to Part 2 of an online training event with Edd Breeden on Saturday, June 3, 9:00 AM – noon. Edd will...

Tom Milligan is elected Board President

Tom Milligan is elected Board President

Tom Milligan has been elected Board President of the Reformed University Congratulations to Sidney First’s own Tom Milligan, who has had a long association with PMV’s Colombian Partnership Network, on being elected Board President of the Reformed University...

Boundaries Training 2023

Boundaries Training 2023

2023 Boundaries Training to FulfillRequired Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training Three sessions of boundaries training will be offered during 2023 through a partnership between the Synod of the Covenant and its member presbyteries. The boundaries training will be...

Enneagram Workshop

Enneagram Workshop

Enneagram WorkshopHosted by Presbytery of the Miami ValleySaturday, March 4 , at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Piqua Join the Presbytery of the Miami Valley on Saturday, March 4, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Westminster Presbyterian Church of  Piqua, for an Enneagram...

2023 Presbytery Spring Youth Retreat

2023 Presbytery Spring Youth Retreat

Presbytery Spring Youth RetreatApril 14-16, 2023 at Kirkmont Center Students in grades 7-12 are invited to the Presbytery Spring Youth Retreat, April 14-6 at Kirkmont Center, Zanesfield, hosted by the Presbyterian Youth Connection, a network of Presbytery of the Miami...

Study Pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine

Study Pilgrimage to Israel/Palestine

Study Pilgrimage to Israel/PalestineNovember  30 - December 12, 2023 Sponsored by the Presbytery of Scioto Valley and the Presbytery of the Miami Valley The Presbytery of Scioto Valley and the Presbytery of the Miami Valley are co-sponsoring a study pilgrimage to...

Christmas Blessings 2022

Christmas Blessings 2022

“Love Has Come” Love has come and never will leave us! Love is life everlasting and free. Love is Jesus within and among us. Love is peace our hearts are seeking. Love! Love is the gift of Christmas. Love! Love! Praise to you, God on high! “Love Has Come” verse 3Hymn...

The Peace Light Comes to Our Presbytery

The Peace Light Comes to Our Presbytery

The Peace Light Comes to Presbytery of the Miami Valley The Peace Light is a light from the grotto at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem where it is said that Jesus was born.  It is collected each year by a child from Austria and then carried back to Europe and...

Online Training for Church Treasurers

Online Training for Church Treasurers

Online Training for Church TreasurersSaturday, January 14, 2023, 9:00 AM - Noon All church treasurers and others who work with church finances are invited to an online training event with Edd Breeden on Saturday, January 14, 9:00 AM - Noon. Edd will cover a number of...

APCE Annual Event January 2023

APCE Annual Event January 2023

APCE Annual Event January 25-28In person in Birmingham, Alabama and Online The Association of Partners in Christian Education (APCE) will hold its Annual Event in person in Birmingham, Alabama January 25 - 28, with over 70+ workshops and a variety of Pre-Event and...

2023 Women’s Spiritual Nurture Retreat

2023 Women’s Spiritual Nurture Retreat

2023 Women’s Spiritual Nurture RetreatCreation: Help! Thanks! Wow!April 21-23, 2023 The 2023 Women’s Spiritual Nurture Retreat will be held April 21-23, Friday evening - Sunday morning worship, at Kirkmont Center, Zanesfield. The retreat will be led by the Rev. Dr....

Leading in Divided Times

Leading in Divided Times

Leading in Divided TimesA free synod-sponsored virtual workshop October 25-26  Ministry has always been a heavy calling, but pastors and Commissioned Ruling Elders now face new challenges as we seek to navigate today’s fault lines. How can we build unity (which is...

Confronting Polarization Resources

Confronting Polarization Resources

Confronting Polarization ResourcesSeeking to Be Faithful Together During a Time of Disagreement  Presbytery of the Miami Valley is assembling a list of resources to help equip churches to confront the challenge of polarization with a wider vision of what God intends...