2022 Youth Triennium

Presbytery of the Miami Valley Youth Triennium Registration Information

Who: Youth completing grades 8-12, who are active members of a local church.

The delegation will consist of 20 youth and 4 adult advisors.

Cost: The total cost is approximately $700.00 per person. The Presbytery will cover a third of the cost

and provide transportation. Sending congregations and participants are each expected to pay


Where: The 2022 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will be held at the Indianapolis Convention Center in

downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. Participants will be housed in hotels.

When: Sunday, July 24 to Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How Do I Apply to be a part of the Presbytery of the Miami Valley Delegation to Triennium?

  1. Tell your Pastor/Youth Director/Clerk of Session why you would like to attend the Youth Triennium.
  2. Ask for the church’s spiritual and financial support
  3. Ask your Pastor/Youth Director/Clerk of Session to recommend you by clicking this link:


  1. Once your church recommendation is received by the registrar, you and/or your parents will receive an

email with a link to more information and lots of forms to be filled out and returned to the registrar.

  1. All recommendations should be received by January 31.

For More Information:

Visit the Triennium website: https://presbyterianyouthtriennium.org

Contact Presbytery Registrar: Nancy Hodgkins at 937-271-8099 or nancy@westminsterdayton.org