Clerk’s Corner

Stated Clerk of Presbytery of the Miami Valley

The Rev. Lynn Bova

PMV office: 937-258-8118 

Ways Your Presbytery Serves Your Church

Checklist of Ways Your Presbytery Serves Your Church

We welcome sessions and others using this checklist to encourage further discussion and feedback.

2024 Budget Guidance for Churches and Active Member Numbers

2024 Pastors’ Compensation Recommendation

Pastor Contract and Salary Form Templates

Please only use the form that applies to your pastor’s status. You may use the Word format or the fillable PDF format. To make the fillable PDF work properly, download and save the fillable PDF form to your computer. Open that saved form, fill in the fillable spaces, and then save the filled-in document to your computer using a new name. That will save all the information you have added to the form.

Presbytery Child and Youth Protection Policy


Presbytery Child and Youth Protection Policy

The Presbytery has adopted this policy to apply to meetings, events or activities that are explicitly sponsored or financially underwritten by the Presbytery and that include or involve children under the age of 18, either as the focus of the event or in a separate child care setting for an adult event.

The Leadership Council has appointed Stated Clerk lynn Bova as the Designated Official under this policy. For questions or interpretations, or call 937-258-8118.

Annual Statistical Report Materials


presbytery miami valley annual statistical report

The starred documents below are also part of the 2021 reporting. Reports may be completed electronically and then emailed back to the Presbytery Stated Clerk at

To make the fillable PDF work properly, download and save the fillable PDF form to your computer.

Open that saved form, fill in the fillable spaces, and then save the filled-in document to your computer using a new name.

That will save all the information you have added to the form.

For reporting Ruling Elders in your congregation (whether currently serving on Session or not) who died in 2023.

This includes Ruling Elders ordained by other churches who were members of your church at their time of death. Please return this form by January 31, 2024.

Please complete this form and return it within 10 days after your congregation has approved your pastor’s compensation for 2020, if you have an installed or designated pastor (do not use this form for stated supply, interim or CRE positions).

Please return the report even if there are no changes approved at the congregational meeting.

Also at the same time please send the Presbytery a copy of your church’s annual report to the congregation used at your congregational meeting.

Other Clerk’s Corner Resources

Resources for Understanding Per Capita

Resources are available from the Office of the General Assembly to help congregations, sessions and presbyteries better understand what per capita is and how it is used. The resources include leaflets, brochures, a PowerPoint presentation, articles, per capita offering envelopes, etc.