Click on the links below to be directed to church and PMV contact information for the resources listed:
- Campus Ministry Network: This PMV Network provides effective campus ministry at public institutions of higher education—Clark State Community College, Central State University, Miami University, and Sinclair Community College.
- Presbyterian Youth Connection Network: This PMV Netwwork brings youth together for common worship, reflection, recreation, and support. Helps youth experience and learn spiritual values and the everyday practice of faith. Contact: Kristie Marcum, Oxford (email)
- CPE Developmental Skills for Congregations: Honey Creek Presbyterian Church
- Older Adult Ministry: Bellbrook Presbyterian Church
- Older Adult Ministry: Fairborn First Presbyterian Church Contact: Marlene Acus
- Youth Band (Starting One at Your Church): Northminster Presbyterian Church
- Youth Ministry Concerns: Dayton Westminster Presbyterian Church Contact: Nancy Hodgkins