Online Treasurer’s Training Part 2

June 3, 2023

Online Treasurer’s Training Part 2

All church treasurers and others who work with church finances are invited to a second training event with Edd Breeden. Edd will cover new material and topics that are applicable and relevant for those who handle finances in the local congregation.                                                    

Edd is a retired pastor, serves as the Treasurer for the Presbytery of San Jose, and owns his own tax preparation business. He has authored The Church Treasurer’s Manual, The Handbook for Church Treasruers, The Volunteer’s Audit Guide, and Money, Money, Money, to name a few.                                                      

Networks1 PMV websitea

Who: Church Treasurers, those who work with church finances, those who want to learn more about church finances


When: 9:00 am-Noon


Timely information and engaging discussion


Taking Registration until June 1 at 5:00