Playology: Experiencing God through the art of play
Saturday, September 24, at Kirkmont Center
Playology is an experiential interactive training and practical resources event, to help you integrate recreation and play into ALL your ministries. Experienced leaders will lead a full day of workshops, mix and mingle activities, lunch and discussion on the Theology of Recreation, ending with Closing Worship. All of the elements are extremely practical by design, so participants can take the experience and immediately apply them to their own contexts.
This event, which will be held September 24 at Kirkmont Center, Zanesfield, is a great resource for EVERYONE! Whether you come alone or in a group, you will experience creative ways to build community.
Pastors, leadership, teens, and children (8 and older will participate. Younger children can be registered for childcare.)
This event is being sponsored by the Equipping for Ministry Network of Presbytery of the Miami Valley.