Spread the word!

Let us help publicize your church’s special event

Does your church have an upcoming special event you’d like to share with other churches in Presbytery of the Miami Valley?

You’ve probably already noticed us sharing local church special events with others around the presbytery, and  we’d be happy to include yours in our communications and extend an invitation to other Miami Valley Presbyterians to attend.

Examples of sharable general interest events include special programs, musical events, guest speakers, mission projects, festivals, and other special events in the life of the church to which you’d like to invite others. Events that are solely for the local church, including fundraisers for only in-house benefit, are not included.

Send your event publicity to Don Nowak at don.nowak@miamipresbytery.org with enough advance notice to be sent out in a timely manner.

We look forward to hearing from you!